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Apple iPad Smart Tag Activity Tracker



Great condition. Pre-owned.

AirTag is a super easy way to keep track of your stuff. Attach one to your keys, wallet, slip another in your backpack. And just like that, they’re on your radar in the Find My app, where you can also track down your Apple devices and keep up with friends and family.

Ping it. Find it.

You can play a sound on the built-in speaker by going to the new Items tab in the Find My app, or say “Hey Siri, find my wallet.” If it’s hiding nearby like under the couch or in the next room just follow the sound and your search is over.

Cold. Warm. Warmer. Hot.

If your AirTag is nearby, your iPhone can lead you straight to it with Precision Finding. You‘ll see the distance to your AirTag and the direction to head in all thanks to Ultra Wideband technology.

Get by with a little help from hundreds of millions of friends.

When youʼve left something far behind, hundreds of millions of Apple devices in the Find My network to track it down.
All anonymously and encrypted for privacy. your AirTag

How does it work?
Your AirTag sends out a secure Bluetooth signal that can be detected by nearby devices in the Find My network. These devices send the location of your AirTag to iCloud — then you can go to the Find My app and see it on a map. The whole process is anonymous and encrypted to protect your privacy. And itʼs efficient, so thereʼs no need to worry about battery life or data usage.

1 in stock

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