Smart Shopping: Maximising value with Lay-Bys at Cash Converters

Lay-bys = get the items you’ve always wanted on a budget

Lay-bys are a good financial option for many reasons – you get to buy the items you’ve always wanted on a budget, helping you to plan ahead. Instead of going into debt over something, with a lay-by, you pay a deposit to “reserve” the item – then pay the outstanding amount over a few months. The store that you buy the item from holds the product and when the item is fully paid off, then you get to take it home. It is a smart choice because you can commit to a payment plan that doesn’t have a hard knock-on effect on your budget.

Top reasons to choose a lay-by option:

  1. A lay-by is a great way to buy items such as TV’s, fridges, laptops and jewellery without resorting to credit.
  2. Lay-bys can help you stick to your budget.
  3. You pay zero interest. 

Prioritising and planning ahead

The good news is that no credit check is needed if you choose a lay-by option. You also avoid impulse shopping as you work according to your monthly budget. This means that you have more discipline and greater control over your finances. Even better, you can plan ahead, paying off big presents for special times of the year before you need them. You can also do things like pay off a heater in summer and a fan in winter, so that you are all sorted for the upcoming change of season.

Read the fine print

Before opening a lay-by, make very sure you can afford the payments, that you understand the fine print and know the terms of the agreement so that you don’t run into unexpected – and unpleasant – surprises.

Some of our stores offer lay-bys. Please call your nearest Cash Converters to confirm if they do. Terms and conditions differ from store to store, so be sure to discuss those too.

To find your nearest Cash Converters store, click here.  

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